Double storey extensions

Double storey extensions are an incredible way to truly maximise your house value and make more space at the same time.

Double storey house extensions are one of the larger projects you can use to extend your home in Lincolnshire, and they are incredibly effective ways to add space to both the ground and first floor of your home. CK Architectural can help you build your own across the Lincoln, Boston, Louth and Grantham areas, as well as the rest of Lincolnshire too.

We work with you using your own creative vision as well as our own to design the perfect extension that works on both floors, utilising the space perfectly and ultimately creating an extension that you’ll love for years to come, designed for the future and to cater for your every need.

We’re able to offer a complete service taking your design from initial conception through to planning applications, building regulations, and even project managing the build to bring your project to life, all of which can be tailored to you.

Contact us today to speak to the team and get free advice and quotations on your project.

We provide comprehensive advice before any commitment

Designing a double storey extension

Before building your extension, there are some things that are important to consider in order to make the most of it. Things like the purpose of the rooms, access, light, ventilation and even means of escape all come into play. Each needs due care and consideration.

The initial part of the design process works with your requirements to find out the best design options. The size and scale of the extension is the priority and considering how much you will need to build to gain the space and rooms you want. From there, the internal layout can be explored.

With two stories, the planning limitations have to be considered as the size and scale means it has to be designed to fit with the existing house. It’s wise to avoid creating inner rooms, as each habitable room will need an opening window. Clear glazing in double storey extension will generally not be permitted at first floor level within 7 meters of a boundary, so that is important to consider too.

Once all of this is thought about, it’s then time for more specific design options, like external doors, lighting, roof styles, and even the room plan to account for placement of furniture, appliances, and fixtures and fittings.

Planning permission your home extension design

Double storey extensions generally need planning permission, as the permitted development rights only permit smaller sizes. There are a lot of things to consider before submitting a planning application, so this needs attention of its own. How the build will impact the street scene, if it enhances character, any negative effects on the neighbour’s house or garden, and how it will affect light/privacy/amenity are all major points here. These are some of the things the planning officer will be checking whilst making their decision.

Our design consultants will give you the best advice on how to achieve your requirements with the best chance of securing planning approval. We will prepare and submit the application on your behalf, then act as your agent talking directly with the council throughout the application to provide as much support as possible in succeeding with the application.

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You will get the best design options so that you can make the right choices

Building regulations for double storey extensions

You will need a building certificate from a building control body, either a local authority in Lincolnshire or a private building inspector, for your double storey extension to be built. That means providing detailed building regulation drawings. We advise gaining the planning permission before paying for the detailed building regulation drawings to prevent any unnecessary expenses. These building regulation drawings will then be submitted for a full plan check, amended if necessary and once approved they will be the standard that is built to and inspected against.

Our plans will include all the necessary detail such as structure, the passage of sound, disabled access, heat loss, drainage, resistance to moisture, collision, impact, ventilation, light, an emergency escape and much more. These drawings will be used when the building control officer inspects the build to ensure the builder is carrying out the works to specification. You can commence work 5 days from submitting to building control, which is the minimum time due to having to consult the water authority.

Project management for your double storey extension

With the approved drawings you can now approach builders to provide quotation and price. Check that any quotation you consider will be written up clearly and with good detail. You will need to know exactly what is priced for and any additional costs should unforeseen issues arise. We have extensive construction knowledge to assist you and builder throughout as well as a project management service to take care of all of this for you for a low fee, too. In any case, we will help you throughout the construction process and visit the site if required.

Use our drawings in line with the quotation and make sure any additional information we don’t provide such as plumbing and electrics is agreed in detail before the first fix goes in. It will be costly to change things once the initial preparation has been built. Remember when you finally do come to build your double storey extension in Lincolnshire, only half of the building works will be outside. You should plan and phase exclusion zones with your builder to make sure you have access to what you need.

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